The Miracle in Bits and Bytes
Twenty students, each with a very different idea as to how they wanted to immortalize Herb Brooks and the 1980 US Olympic Hockey Team’s accomplishments...
A number of consultants with their own projects and valuable insight to add to this project…
How do you bring it all together? How can you take such different aspects of a person, a place, and an event and have them make sense?
My project began as the organization of each person and project into a unified web site, with particular emphasis on the navigation structure. This put me in the unique position of needing a broader understanding of the project as a whole, and all the people, places, and events that were involved. It seemed crucial to explore the special events that took place during this project, the role they played in molding the project, and the major impact they had on the lives of the participants.
I chose my original project because of my skills in computers and web design. I wanted to see the projects that everyone has worked so hard on presented in a manner true to form, but also optimized for internet viewing. However as time passed, it seemed only natural to use my broader knowledge of the overall project to help create a collective understanding of the project’s events.
Working on this project has taught me the importance of hard work and teamwork. A person can only be so great alone, but much greater when working with other outstanding individuals. It is through the collaborative efforts of everyone involved in this project that it has attained such stratospheric heights, and I am certain it will continue to soar as time goes on.
During this project, I have gained a better appreciation for several values that I will try to refine and incorporate into my everyday life:
Honesty – Herb Brooks never held anything back; he had no reason to. It wasn’t done in a way to offend the other person, but rather to help them grow. Sugarcoating and false praise are not productive steps for growth and improvement;
Work Ethic – There is no amount of talent that can substitute for hard work. Brooks and the 1980 Olympic Hockey Team demonstrated throughout their endeavors that hard work is essential for any success, and this project has also taught me that hard work is a critical factor in all accomplishments;
Dedication – Along with hard work, it takes dedication to achieve your dreams. You must eat, sleep, and breathe what you want to accomplish. It is in this total immersion in an idea or event that creates the atmosphere for success.
In conclusion, this project has shown me that any dream, no matter how large or improbable, is very much possible with the right combination of teamwork and dedication. I have learned that it is important to always reach for the stars and never settle for less than your best. Most importantly, I have learned that miracles are not as much miracles as they are time, patience, preparation, desire, and hard work.
