Recapturing the Miracle: A Trip to Lake Placid, New York
I decided to work on three projects for this practical experience: A descriptive account of our magical trip to the 25th anniversary of the 1980 Olympics in Lake Placid, a multi-media introduction to the Mass Communications Senior Expo:, and an original painting that will capture the inspiration and empowerment one can learn by studying from the life and the philosophy of Coach Herb Brooks
I chose this project because I like to write. When we visited Lake Placid on February 22, 2005 for the 25th anniversary celebration, I was inspired. I wanted to write about the experience. I wanted to capture the moment for my classmates who could not be there with us. I wanted to try my hand at describing a miracle that changed the spirit of America.
The multimedia introduction to our Practicum Expo was my idea. I want to begin our Expo with a bang. I want our audience to see our passion and belief in this project. I enjoy visual arts and when you are able to work with a media you enjoy with a subject that you honestly believe in, amazing things can happen.
While I do attempt to be creative in most projects, often job specifications hinder complete artistic freedom. The creation of original art gave me an opportunity to open a clear channel to express things that are deep inside my heart about the greatness of Coach Herb Brooks, his players and the #1 sports event of the 21st century.
During the past four months, I learned an incredible amount of information about Coach Brooks, the 1980 Olympics, the 1980 US Olympic hockey team, the community of Lake Placid and America. Yes, I learned about The Miracle, but I also learned about the values behind this wonderful story: hard work, perseverance, the power of believing, and so much more. Actually visiting Lake Placid I had the opportunity that most undergraduate students don't get to have: a once in a lifetime, real-life experience that encompassed the entire spectrum of skills and ethics that I have learned in my communications degree.
Specific emphasis must be placed on the values that I learned from Coach Herb Brooks and the experience I had in Lake Placid - Believing in a dream and working hard to pursue it, even when it seems like some unattainable goal. This project’s multiple dimensions may cause some skepticism, but our leader and coach believed in us and us we learned to believe in ourselves. This is such an important value.
